What It’s Like To Coach With Me

There are many different ways we can work together based on your particular situation. I use multiple modalities in my coaching that help you arrive at yor desired outcome quickly and effectively. You will notice changes in yourself and your relationship immediately.

1 on 1 Coaching Sessions

Exclusive VIP private 1 on 1 coaching sessions where you bring your challenges and we work with different skills and tools to best serve your situation. If you are in a strained relationship, divorced (perhaps coparenting), considering separation, or want to strengthen your relationship. You will work with me 1 on 1.

Group Coaching

Involves a few women in a group. A shared group workshop or coaching experience is ideal for like-minded women in a similar situation as you. You will learn as a group from each other experiences and your investment is cost-effective too


You can join one of my workshops which are 4 weeks long. In each session we explore different intimacy skills that saved mine and thousands of other wives marriages. You will find out that it is possible to restore your marriage single-handedly. Those workshops are fun and filled with value and accountability. It is very fun to take those with your girlfriends.


Allows us to work together regardless of location. It is a great practical tool. Sessions can also be recorded for viewing at a later time as a refresher.